I am fascinated by human nature and how we each choose to .
I have studied a variety of corporate and spiritual coaching practices that have transformed my path. Discovering the magic of Attraction & Alchemy, after years of being BUZZED/stressed out.
I spent my 20s analysing the past and worrying about the future. Overspending time on unbalanced friendships, relationships and a meaningless career.
After finding happiness I now helps others to avoid the same time drains, offering a tool to know themselves - so they can truly themselves - a
‘How To Guide’ to getting Good-Vibes, written as a RECIPE.
The RECIPE is my own guide that I complete each year on my birthday, I have completed it ever since 2011, with results reflecting that my life is completely unrecognisable to my previous BUZZED/stressed out state of mind...and therefore, life, in my 20s.
I class myself as a sensitive soul - certainly a thinker &...most likely what you might class as being an OVERthinker. I have previously taken worry to olympic levels and done my own head in [literally - for a long time, a day without a headache was a good day]. I have had to teach myself not to react to every thought that I get and to ignore my incredibly efficient self critic.
Now by keeping myself in check I can choose whether to keep thinking certain thoughts - or tell my EGO to zip it [see our 2nd VIDEO - The Ego: Friend or Foe for more on this].
My husband thankfully is the opposite to me in terms of being a stress head & teaches me to chill the heck out.
To not do my own head in and let a lot on my mind.
To stop and just .
I now am wise about where & on what I spend my time.
I aim for staying as close as possible to GOOD-VIBES [because believe me I get my moments where I can like a toddler].
But by keeping myself in check daily [and annually with my RECIPE] my VIBE does not do so much of the see saw and snake & ladder effect - if you can imagine me not too long ago, constantly
going up and down on THE VIBE-O-METER - These days I can anchor myself more and more as I master the Art of Self Awareness, into a constant state of
Simply by choosing well for myself.
By making time for me, my family & my tribe. Bringing in BLISS by making time for the people and activities that make me feel . All
balanced with time to work and to attend to all of things in life that need doing.
Then leaving time to just.
Being & my moments of BLISS are:

- Spending time with my Star (my hubby) & our darling daughter.
- Listening to and watching interesting things; captivating films, mysteries, nature, documentaries all get my grey cells going in an entertaining way.
- Playing music is my thing.
- Taking baths to me is just BLISS.
- Walking silently amongst trees feels like a spa to my soul.
- Practicing Yoga is my appointment with peace each week.
These are the ways of BEING that I choose for my own sensitive nature.
What might yours - and are you
making time for them?
As I said before, I am fascinated by human nature and how we each choose to , I hope that you
choose well for you.
I have no doubt that by completing your own RECIPE & making wishes & promises to yourself on your birthday, you too will keep your VIBE high & find & then stick to what brings you your own state of
If you have not got balance in your life right now just begin now - take time out for you - think about what makes you tick.
So that you make the most of the time that nature affords you - you live a happy life!
= Always see the sunshine that IS in your life!
Cat x